Tuesday, 5 May 2015

The NASPO Factor: Has The NIGP Awakened A Sleeping Giant? by Jon Hansen

“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” –  Isoroku Yamamoto


The following is a hypothetical conversation regarding where NASPO might fit in relative to the NIGP #CodeGate scandal:

The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO), Inc. was formally established on January 29, 1947, in Chicago, Illinois.

NASPO is a non-profit association dedicated to advancing public procurement through leadership, excellence, and integrity. It is made up of the directors of the central purchasing offices in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the territories of the United States. NASPO is an organization that helps its members achieve success as public procurement leaders through promotion of best practices, education, professional development, research, and innovative procurement strategies.

It looks very similar to what the NIGP is purportedly doing . . .

It may be that there’s a natural transition that will come, especially fueled by the controversy around NIGP.

I was thinking the same . . . the question is how do you get rid of the NIGP without looking bad . . . NASPO is probably not likely to shed a tear over NIGP’s implosion . . . what do you think?

Maybe the NIGP board, once they get rid of Grimm, will approach NASPO for some sort of consolidation.

Maybe that was the plan all along . . . when I asked for NASPO’s 990 filing this morning, they had it to me faster than a speeding bullet . . . They know they are strong and that they look great on paper . . . better than any association finances I have seen so far . . .

If I were the head of procurement for Missouri and received the Persicope challenge including the Periscope/NIGP letter, I would turn to NASPO and say . . . well they (being NIGP) have finally done it . . . they crossed the line. If we let them get stronger they will likely do this again but with greater stealth and effectiveness.

Got to wonder…

However, no association ever wants to appear that they are taking a negative shot at another association, let alone facilitated their demise . . .

So maybe the NIGP board, whose members I’ll bet are also NASPO members, will broach the idea. That let’s NASPO look like the ‘bigger person’ instead of taking negative shots.

Remember Isoroku Yamamoto’s words after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor . . . “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.” NASPO is the NIGP’s sleeping giant . . .

Or potential ‘savior’… at least of their principles and intent as an organization.

poisonous tree3

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