Friday, 8 May 2015

Lawler: More Builder Results (updated table)

Housing economist Tom Lawler sent me this updated table of builder results for Q1.

For these nine builders, net orders were up 20.3% year-over-year.  Although cancellations are handled differently, this is about the same year-over-year increase for Q1 as for New Home sales as reported by the Census Bureau.

The average closing price is only up slightly this year following a sharp increase in 2014.

From Tom Lawler:

Below is a table with some summary statistics for nine large publicly-traded home builders for the first calendar quarter of 2015. While results varied across builders, the general themes were significantly higher unit sales, but lower home building margins, relative to the comparable quarter of 2014.

Net orders per community for these combined nine builders combined were up 13.2% YOY, and their combined order backlog at the end of March was up 14.8% from last March.

  Net Orders Settlements Average Closing Price
Qtr. Ended: 3/15 3/14 % Chg 3/15 3/14 % Chg 3/15 3/14 % Chg
D.R. Horton 11,135 8,569 29.9% 8,243 6,194 33.1% $281,305 271,230 3.7%
PulteGroup 5,139 4,863 5.7% 3,365 3,436 -2.1% $323,000 317,000 1.9%
NVR 3,926 3,325 18.1% 2,534 2,211 14.6% $371,000 361,400 2.7%
The Ryland Group 2,389 2,186 9.3% 1,463 1,470 -0.5% $343,000 327,000 4.9%
Beazer Homes 1,698 1,390 22.2% 936 977 -4.2% $305,800 272,400 12.3%
Standard Pacific 1,571 1,311 19.8% 972 995 -2.3% $528,000 483,000 9.3%
Meritage Homes 1,979 1,525 29.8% 1,335 1,109 20.4% $387,000 366,000 5.7%
MDC Holdings 1,593 1,236 28.9% 909 873 4.1% $414,800 364,900 13.7%
M/I Homes 1,108 982 12.8% 717 732 -2.0% $325,000 299,000 8.7%
Total 30,538 25,387 20.3% 20,474 17,997 13.8% $330,848 $318,886 3.8%

from Calculated Risk
via YQ Matrix

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