For new readers: I was very bearish on the economy when I started this blog in 2005 - back then I wrote mostly about housing (see: LA Times article and more here for comments about the blog). I started looking for the sun in early 2009, and recently I've been more optimistic.
Here are some updates to the graphs I posted three years ago. Several of these graphs have changed direction since I wrote that post. As example, state and local government employment is now increasing, and household deleveraging is over (as predicted).
This graph shows total and single family housing starts. Even though starts have more than doubled from the bottom, starts are still way below the average level of 1.5 million per year from 1959 through 2000.
Demographics and household formation suggests starts will increase to around 1.5 million over the next few years. That means starts will probably increase another 40% or so from the October 2015 level of 1.06 million starts (SAAR).
Residential investment and housing starts are usually the best leading indicator for the economy, so this suggests the economy will continue to grow in 2016.
In 2013, state and local government employment increased slightly, and in 2014, state and local government employment increased by 85,000.
This year, through November 2015, state and local employment is up 70,000. So, in the aggregate, state and local government layoffs are over - and the economic drag on the economy is over. However state and local government employment is still 561,000 below the pre-recession peak.
As we've been discussing, the US deficit as a percent of GDP has been declining, and will probably remain under 3% for several years.
Here are a couple of graph on household debt (and debt service):
From the NY Fed: Just Released: New and Improved Charts and Data on Auto Loans
the New York Fed announced that household debt increased by a robust $212 billion in the third quarter of 2015. Both mortgage and auto loan originations increased, as auto originations reached a ten-year high and new mortgage lending appears to have finally recovered from the very low levels seen in the past year.There will be some more deleveraging ahead for certain households (mostly from foreclosures and distressed sales), but in the aggregate, household deleveraging ended more than 2 years ago.
emphasis added
The overall Debt Service Ratio has been moving sideways and is near the record low. Note: The financial obligation ratio (FOR) is also near a record low (not shown)
Also the DSR for mortgages (blue) are near the low for the last 30 years. This ratio increased rapidly during the housing bubble, and continued to increase until 2007. With falling interest rates, and less mortgage debt (mostly due to foreclosures), the mortgage ratio has declined significantly.
This data suggests household cash flow is in much better shape than several years ago.
Overall it appears the economy is poised for more growth.
And in the longer term I remain very optimistic.
Last year, I posted some demographic data for the U.S., see: Census Bureau: Largest 5-year Population Cohort is now the "20 to 24" Age Group and The Future is still Bright!
I pointed out that "even without the financial crisis we would have expected some slowdown in growth this decade (just based on demographics). The good news is that will change soon."
Changes in demographics are an important determinant of economic growth, and although most people focus on the aging of the "baby boomer" generation, the movement of younger cohorts into the prime working age is another key story in coming years. Here is a graph of the prime working age population (this is population, not the labor force) from 1948 through October 2015.
The prime working age population peaked in 2007, and appears to have bottomed at the end of 2012. The good news is the prime working age group has started to grow again, and should be growing solidly by 2020 - and this should boost economic activity in the years ahead.
These young workers are well educated and tech savvy. And they will have babies and buy homes soon. For more, see from Joe Weisenthal: The Analyst Who Nailed The Housing Crash Is Quietly Revealing The Next Big Thing
Three years ago I said that looking forward I was the most optimistic since the '90s. And things are only getting better. The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.
Yes, the song was about nuclear holocaust ... but it was originally intended the way I'm using it.
from Calculated Risk
via YQ Matrix
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