For those of you who followed my coverage of Bravo Solutions this past summer, you will know that information sources provided a detailed (and graphic) picture of an initiative that looked to be in trouble. Specifically, Bravo’s challenges in terms of its platform gaining traction within the Ontario Government.
To their credit, rather than ducking the tough questions, Bravo VP Daniel Warn joined me on air, to talk about said challenges and where he believed the project was ultimately headed.
As reported at that time, Warn’s easy yet frank responses to the questions relating to the aforementioned data, provided more than additional and needed insight. His openness established a level of creditability that was quite frankly refreshing. In short, he stood in the proverbial batters box and faced every pitch with feet firmly planted.
To me, this was an example of a true leader.
That positive experience notwithstanding, I obviously have an obligation to follow-up on where this story is today. For example, did Warn’s expressed belief that the Ontario Government’s acceptance of the Bravo platform would increase actually materialize?
Bravo VP Daniel Warn
With this in mind I reached out to the Bravo VP, and received the following response in writing by way of an e-mail. As always, I would encourage you to do your own homework in terms of what is written, and come to your own conclusions.
Thank you for following up on the Ontario story. I’m happy to report we are continuing to see the Ontario government move toward full adoption of our eSourcing solution, the Ontario Tenders Portal (OTP). While it likely won’t be announced publically, they’ve internally committed to being 100 percent on line in early 2017. This commitment is a direct result of their continued success using the solution, and their preparedness (with our involvement and assistance) to continue to roll the solution out to all of the ministries within the government. Ontario continues to play a lead role in this, and we’re very pleased with the progress they are making and the success they are having. They are experiencing significant procurement cycle time reductions of 4-6 weeks in many cases, across all types of tenders including both primarily price based tenders, as well as more complex price plus, multi-lot, RFx type of events. Their procurement advisors have been able to repurpose that time to get closer to their stakeholders and move toward taking an even more proactive approach toward procurement.
As a former practitioner, I love seeing these kinds of results at our customers and the internal excitement and confidence this builds in their own ability. We’re seeing good traction in the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) as well. Several new healthcare entities have signed onto the OTP recently, an education GPO recently finished a very successful pilot and will be moving to 100 percent online, and similar examples are occurring in municipal and regional procurement entities as well. This too is exciting to see as other entities start to experience the same types of success the central government is having, and we’re confident this momentum will continue into the new year.
The news across the rest of Canada is positive as well. I recently had the opportunity to co-present with Ontario telling the story of their success at the Canadian Public Procurement Council Forum 2015 event out in Edmonton: The CPPC is a collection of senior procurement executives from across Canada, and the Forum is an annual education and networking event that draws procurement professionals from every level of public sector government across Canada. It’s an excellent event. I’d roughly estimate half of those in attendance sat in on Ontario’s presentation, and there was a strong amount of engagement and follow up interest throughout the conference. Ontario’s success is being closely watched by other entities across Canada, particularly other provincial governments. British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan are all currently exploring software options, and I had discussions with almost every other provincial procurement leader around this topic as well. The topics of procurement transformation / automation are extremely relevant right now as there seems to be a national consciousness about the need to modernize the procurement function, deliver better value for money and reduce supplier burden. Very exciting to be a part of to say the least!
Thanks again Jon. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.
from Procurement Insights
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